Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Hi, my name is Dahlia Jacob and i cannot say i knew Aliza very well. However there is something i would like to share. As im sure everyone knows, Aliza has changed many lives during her life... and she touched mine in a very personal and special way. when i was going to start central high school there was a big sister program. all the seniors were assigned to a specific freshmen to be a "big sister". they would show them around school, introduce them to people, basically make them feel comfortable and at home. this can be a very scary and nerve racking time for many freshmen, not to mention extremely overwhelming. i came from bais yaakov of queens...central was not such a common place for a bais yaakov girl to be going to high school, and man was i nervous. when i got to school and met aliza for the first time, all my fears disapeared. her kindness and sincerity hit me so strong and made me feel so good, so relaxed and above all comfortable in my new environment. since aliza graduated at the end of that year i did not get to know her better, and i so wish i had. i can deifinetely say that over that one year anytime she would see me, in the halls, on main street, even in shul, she would ask me how things were going as if she was looking out for me. i have always looked up to her, and will continue to, always and always. i want to say how sorry i am to her wonderful family i cannot imagine what they must be going through. all i wanted to say was...aliza touched my heart and i will forever be grateful for that.


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